Patishaapta ( Sweet pancakes) 

Patishaapta is a pretty easy peethey to  make, when compared to its counterparts. The authentic recipe demands a mix of Maida (refined flour) , rice  flour and semolina but I have made only  with Maida in the following recipe. I have done this keeping in mind the busy working people who want to make this but are alarmed at the thought of making.  My experiment was good and its outcome was appreciated by many.

Makes 15 pieces


  1. 2 cups of maida
  2. A pinch of salt
  3. 1 and 1/2 cups  of milk approximately 
  4. Narkol naaru ( refer to my recipe in the blog) 
  5. 1 litre of milk boiled  and reduced to 1/2 a litre with 4 tbsps of sugar
  6. 1/2 cup of sugar boiled in 1/2 cup of water and a few saffron strands
  7. Pistachios for garnish
  8. Oil to brush on the pan


  1. Make the sugar syrup and  keep  it in a serving bowl. 
  2. Keep the reduced milk aside. 
  3. Make a batter with maida, milk and salt. 
  4. The consistency of the batter should be of thin crepes. You can add milk for desired consistency.  
  5. Take a non – stick small shallow pan and brush  it  with oil. 
  6. Once heated, pour a ladle full of batter on the pan and swivel the pan to spread the batter. The flame should  be on medium. 
  7. Once done on one  side, which takes barely a minute, flip and cook on the other side for 1/2  s minute. Take out on a board and put the coconut filling inside  and roll tightly. Keep it on a serving platter. 
  8. Similarly make  the  others. 
  9. It is ready  to eat at this  stage. 
  10. But, I decided to  serve it in three different ways. 
  11. First is ready  already, the second  one needs to be dunked in reduced milk and garnish  it with slivered pistachios and the  third one is served with saffron infused sugar syrup. 
  12. It becomes easier if everything is kept on the table  and people help themselves depending  on their likes. 

This is actually very different from the authentic recipe but is very practical. You can avoid making the reduced milk and can serve it with sugar syrup. That definitely saves your work and energy. As far as the  making of narkol naaru is concerned, you make anytime and store it in the  freezer. Just leave it at room temperature for  a hour or so and start making Patishaapta! 

12 thoughts on “Patishaapta ( Sweet pancakes) 

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